Monday, August 29, 2011

The Nothing Song

~The Nothing Song~

This is a song about nothing…
Seriously, there’s no point to this song.
Please don’t try to analyze it,
English teachers just surrender to it.
This is a song about nothing.

There’s a picture frame on the window sill,
A stain on the carpet where my sister spilled
Some juice from a sippy cup sixteen years ago.
There’s a Wii censor on top of the TV,
And a package on the table, guess it’s something for me.
But I’m too lazy to get up and see…what could it be?

I know I’m gonna sit here for hours on the couch
Whatever’s in that box is gonna eat me inside out.
But I know it might be days till I get around to opening it.

This is a song about nothing…
Seriously, there’s no point to this song.
Please don’t try to analyze it,
English teachers just surrender to it.
This is a song about nothing.

There’s a tiny little bug on the ceiling up there,
I think it’s a spider, but I can’t quite tell where,
Its web might be or if it has eight legs.

My guitar’s leaned up against the wall,
The phone keeps ringing but I’m not taking calls,
I’ve got no inspiration for a love type of song.

This is a song about nothing…
Seriously, there’s no point to this song.
Please don’t try to analyze it,
English teachers just surrender to it.
This is a song about nothing.

I gotta pick up my clothes and put them in the hamper,
Don’t want to go outside because the air feels so much damper.
I wonder if Pizza Express will deliver (at this hour)?
I’m feeling pretty random and useless,
Not to mention restless and stupid.
Maybe I should go do something worth doing.

This is a song about nothing…
Seriously, there’s no point to this song.
Please don’t try to analyze it,
English teachers just surrender to it.
This is a song about nothing.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Super-Exciting and Otherwise Fabulous Week

This is how my week went:

Monday: Burning through two seasons of Friends and lying on the couch like a lump
Tuesday: Counting the days it had been since I took a shower (I would display that number here but I am afraid it would be upsetting to the general public) and lounging about like the afore-mentioned lump.
Wednesday: Going out to breakfast with a friend, which went a little something like this--

Waitress: "What can I get you?"
Friend: "Um, can I get the grilled vegetable and eggs quesadilla without the grilled vegetables?"
Me: "I'm embarrassed to be your friend. And I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes, please."

After breakfast, we went to my friend's house for a sleepover.
We hunted worms in the pool.
Me: "*girlish scream* GET THE POOL-NET-SCOOPER-THING!!!"
Friend: "Huh. Interesting questions."

Not much else happened during that sleepover. Oh, but we did stay up until 2 am....watching Toddlers & Tiaras.

Friend: "I want Alexis to win. She's so pretty."
Me: "I like Eden better. I think she's prettier than Alexis and I think she wants to win more than Alexis does."
That pathetic argument went on for a long time. But that was pretty much the gist.

That sort of covers Thursday, too...

Friday: Washing the chlorine from the pool out of my hair and burning through two more seasons of Friends.
Saturday: Dealing with my super-spoiled cousins while attempting to enjoy the party for my family member's birthday, eating a LOT of cake, and trying to convince myself that I would go running later and stop being such a lump. Didn't happen, though:P hehe.

And then today I'm writing this post and watching I Love Lucy while curled up on the couch and listening to the rain outside. I DID go running this morning, though. So I'm not as much of a lump as I could have been today!
But enough about me. How was YOUR week, reader(s)? (That little inserted 's' is how hopeful I am that more than one person reads this blog^.^)
xoxoxoxo Not-Quite-Blond-Banana